Monday, June 10, 2013

Broken Sword: Doctor Stobbart

Back in Paris is easy to get lost in the plot. So many things to see, so many people to talk to.

Again, gorgeous looks on this game

In the end, it figured out the police might be able to help after all! Still, the plot thickens as one finally knows where to find Mr. Marquet and figure out what to do with the gem that came into Stobbart's possession back in Ireland.

I should have guessed going into the sewers again was too obvious

The Hospital is another of those places where you have to time your actions a bit in order to bypass the janitor (and Mr. Shiny) and pass as Dr. Stobbart, but after the goat in Ireland, one starts to get the hang of it and it proves to be rather easy.

Can't quite remember how I got here, but one does get lost in all the details

With the jewel at hand, I got more information from Marquet, just before his assassination!

It's now time to gather some more information about the scroll and the whereabouts of the fabled treasure (or at least that's what I'm fancying to find by the end of the adventure).
Right now I'm heading again to to the museum, I haven't figured out exactly how I'm supposed to show the scroll to André back there, and how to get the tripod... But I'll figure it out eventually.

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